Help with my thuroughbred

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Help with my thuroughbred

Postby Stephaniepou » Fri Nov 17, 2017 1:28 pm

My father has a thouroughbred horse (I don't have knowdledge on this topic or know which about the terms so please bare with me) He has been cutting himself in every race. His left hind leg to be exact. Jockey is stating that he is cutting himself with his other hind leg, and not with his front ones. There has been a couple of farriers that have seen him. We are located in Florida, he races in gulfstream, one of the best ferriers (I have been told) and seen him and there is still issues. My father states that ever since he has been castrated he has this issue. I am afraid the trainer might not be doing everything in his capacity to aliviarte this issue.

Does anyone know of durable wraps or anything that can be put around his hoove to eliminate the cutting of his legs? I need to make sure it is something allowed to be worn in a rice. Thanks you

I have attached a photo of where he cuts himself
IMG_4977.JPG (290.23 KiB) Viewed 5765 times