C - Section

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C - Section

Postby Lindros » Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:14 pm

Have any of you sent a mare for a C - Section? If so, what was the out come?

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Postby teb » Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:24 pm

I personally haven't had a mare with a c-section, but I rent part of a larger farm and the owner had a mare last year who needed a c-section. Mare was supposedly 2 weeks off foaling when checked one evening. The two people who take care of the mares thought she looked diffrent and udder was full so made plans to bring her in the next day. So next day mare is found in field with dried sweat and legs sticking out of still stitched vulva. Brought her in, called vet, obviously foal dead, but mare was not doing well, and foal wouldn't come out. Went for c-section. This mare recovered fully from her c-section and is 13 years of age. They are going to rebreed this year. Besides the fact this should have NEVER been allowed to happen, all facts say she will carry a foal to term, but could have problems if not watched properly. She shouldn't be allowed to carry extra weight and another dystcoia is possible. The only reason this mares foal was stuck was a hip lock with no help and 2 lives were nearly lost. To put in prespective, as I have done a lot of research, a mare should concieve and carry the foal fine afte a c-section, but special precautions should be in place for her foaling time.